Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Power in the Written Word

When I was a kid, reading was all I did. I remember being part of programs in which you would get points for reading books, and with those points came rewards. Tell any child they will get a prize (whether it be the latest Power Ranger, stuffed animal, or a pizza party), and you can generally get them to do just about anything.

So, I always, always read. I prided myself on being able to read at a ninth grade level in the fourth grade. It was the little things in life that I had to look forward to.

However, as I got older, I found less and less time to read. In fact, reading became anything but fun due to the fact that it became a necessity to pass my classes. Reading 100 + pages on the molecular make-up of the human body never really tickled my fancy. However, once college ended, I discovered all the time in the world to dive into the untapped pages I once so frequently visited.

My friend Paige is an avid reader (as is most of her family). She began to throw book after book at me (not really, but I like the dramatic emphasis), and I discovered why I love reading so much. However, she told me about one book in particular that I HAD to read. It's called "When God Writes Your Love Story." The title alone frightened me.

It seems as though most of the world around me is either getting married or in a serious relationship. It became really hard for me to not get frustrated that I hadn't found my special someone. When Paige gave me this book, I thought to myself "wonderful, another self-help book to help me get over my impatience in not having found anyone yet...I cannot wait to see how this goes..." I know, my attitude rocked. No worries, after reading just the first few pages, my mind became opened to a whole new world.

I have not finished the book, but I will be giving it a full report once I have. It is written from a very human perspective, which I love and appreciate more than anything. The authors are Eric and Leslie Ludy, and they walk the reader through what pretty much everyone deals with in this realm. However, they so carefully reminded me that my love story is not intended to be written by me; it's intended to be written by God.

I'm almost half-way through the book, and these are some of the wonderful insights I have gleaned:

- Give God the pen to my love story and completely surrender every aspect of my
- Be completely satisfied with only Him.
- Live as though my future spouse can see me.
- Ask God to guard EVERY aspect of my life and heart.

The thing that blows my mind the most is that He is genuinely interested in writing me the best love story ever. So why in the world have I been so impatient and tried to write my own pages? The book talks about viewing other Christian guys as pilgrims and not potentials. Ding ding ding, what a revelation.

Already my eyes have been opened to something I really did not ever think about; Jesus is truly interested in my love story. Why? Because He's the best author for the job.

This week I have REALLY began to relinquish control in my life and especially in that area. As I have done this, I have found myself even more satisfied with just being with my King. As I sit and dwell on all He has done for me, I feel foolish for not trusting Him with this oh so fragile part of my life. Who better to entrust my heart to than Christ?

When I finish the book, I will dedicate an entire post to it. I encourage you, read it. It's awesome. Seriously.

In a day and age where we are so consumed by technology, sometimes it's better to sit down and let ourselves be enlightened by the revelations God shares with His children.

Wow. I'm dumb-founded.

Until I finish the book, I leave with these thoughts.

Love you guys.
In Him,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Endless Opportunities

These past couple of weeks have been extremely joyful.

There is something about fall that makes me really excited inside. I don't know if it's the change in colors, the wonderful air, or the fact that I don't have to write papers anymore so I can actually enjoy it! This season has become one of my favorites. I love hot cider, bonfires, and the beauty that comes with this time of year.

This fall has also brought on some new experiences for me, and they are experiences I am thoroughly enjoying. I am now a youth sponsor at my church and am loving the connection time I am getting. It's funny, for an age group I said I would never work with, they are really starting to grow on me. It's definitely a different perspective to be on this end of things. I remember sitting in the youth group and admiring those that were older than me. I remember hoping and wishing that they would come talk to me and want to make an investment in my life. Now here I am, at that very age, and so blessed to be able to get that chance.

I already know several of the girls in the youth group. A couple of them I have known for pretty much forever. However, I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to invest in that girl who feels like she has no one. I don't want to miss out on that girl who wishes someone would just come talk to her. Being the age I am, I have a rare window of time to show the love of Christ to these girls in a different way. Granted, we have some stinking awesome youth sponsors, and I love them all dearly. I just feel really excited about being able to show God to these young ladies in a different light.

I've been looking back a lot on the first person to really invest in my walk with Christ, and the impact she has had will last forever. I hope that I can show even just a fraction of what she showed me about God. God has already began to open the door of connection with some of these teenagers, and I can't wait to see how He opens it even more. I believe in a generation who does not find their worth in the eyes of a guy, of a tabloid image, or in what the world says they should be. I believe in a generation who finds their worth and value in the eyes of the King who loves and adores them more than they could ever know. My heart is for these girls and for these women who don't believe in themselves. I will never forget who first believed in me. I want these girls to know that I believe in them.

Being a youth sponsor has also given me the opportunity to be surrounded by some amazing women. I love the openness I feel in talking to them. I love being able to hear their hearts. I love how crazy and goofy they are. In essence, I just love them.

All in all, I am humbled yet again. God has given me an AMAZING opportunity in being with this youth group, and I am not going to take it for granted. I pray that in every conversation I have, every hug I give, and every amount of time I spend, these youth see that God loves and believes in them.

What an exciting time in life. :)

I'll keep you posted.

Love you guys.

In Him,