Monday, May 17, 2010

Off to the Land of Tennessee...

The beginning to my summer has been one full of relaxing and good bonding time with my family. We've seen many family movies, eaten many family meals, and just laughed together as a family. It's been good to just have some time together. As I sit here, there are still boxes in my room needing to be unpacked. My life is thrown together in one large pile in the middle of my room. But knowing that soon I am about to leave again, I can't fully bring myself to unpack them all again. Packing and re-packing are two of the hardest things for me to do. It's not just because it takes time or I find it to be a major hassle. I find it difficult because it usually means that change is coming. I love adventure, I love new people, and I love new places. But, unfortunately, I have always been HORRIBLE with saying goodbye. However, I'm learning that each new box means a new opportunity for God to teach me something incredible. My next lesson takes place in good 'ol Memphis, TN....

I was never sure if this job was going to come. The interview process is one that had been going on for at least a month and a half. Up and down, in and out. I knew that if I didn't get this job, I was going to have no idea what I would do. But, like always, God came through. And let me tell you just how perfect this job is. I get to work with inner-city kids all summer long. Plus, I'll be in the land of Elvis. My grandfather would be extremely proud. :) I know that this summer has so much more in store for me than I can even begin to remotely phathom. I'm being thrown into a whole new part of the country with whole new people and whole new experiences. And let me just tell ya, I am EXCITED!! When you are praying, please just include Street Reach Ministries in your prayers. I know that the team and myself would greatly appreciate it.

In one week, I will be on the road...again. I got back from Springfield a little over a week ago, and here I go again! I don't know how often I'll be on the internet while I'm there, but I will update and talk about all of the amazing stories as much as I can! I have a feeling my ramblings are about to get just a little more passionate. :)

Until the land of country music and good 'ol Elvis Presley,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Part 2 of My Massive Ramble...

I have done it. I have completed my Junior year of college. Where in the world has my college experience gone?? And by I, I definitely mean we. We being me and Jesus. There is no way I would have made it through those papers, tests, and projects without Him.

I could not be more thankful for the friends I have made this year. Pretty sure all-nighters have never been so enjoyable. I've had some pretty amazing late-night talks, homework sessions (or ones where we pretend we are doing homework), coffee dates, random drives, runs to the mall, and so much more. I know God has seriously blessed me with the people in my life.

I do not think I have quite processed all that has happened this year. I've done a lot of thinking back, but I haven't quite understood the full implications of what I learned this year. I guess that's part of the process that I'll always be in...learning.

Thank you Lord for an amazing year. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for next.

Until next time and the update on life here in the land of KS, much love to you all!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Part 1 of Massive Ramble...

This blog will probably be the most random piece of writing known to mankind. But, since this is the only time I will probably have to update between now and the end of school, here goes nothing...

Evangel life 2009-2010 has most definitely been a very interesting experience. I have loved basically every minute of this year with lots of life lessons that have come along the way. I have learned the beauty of real and sincere friendship, enjoyed late nights with some of the coolest people ever, and just found joy in the simple things.

It's really strange for me to think that most of the people in my life that I am close to right now I have only met this year, and most of them close to half-way through. It's kinda strange, yet unbelievably awesome, how God takes the people we never even had a clue who they were and brings them into our lives for such a time as this.

I can defintely say that I have learned a lot about myself this year and part of this being thanks to the good old world of Crosswalk. Evangel's student ministry board opened up so many new opportunities for me that I never even dreamed were possible. I met some amazing people and got to be a part of God laying down some awesome foundational work for the future. I cannot WAIT to see what next year will bring.

This year has definitely been a year of growth, as is every year. Friends have come, and friends have gone, but Jesus never fails. Jesus never changes. If I've learned anything it is that God has to be the source of all life. I love every last one of my friends, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them. But I know that it is from Him and through Him that I am even privelaged to know these people.

God is a good God. Life is too short to be spent on the sidelines, and I am realizing that more than ever. The Kingdom of God is now, and it's time for our generation to rise and be the people God has called them to be.

I better go to bed for now, but I will have more thoughts in a part 2. This year has taught me a lot, so I guess reflecting is just where I'm naturally to go from here!