Sunday, January 29, 2012

Peace in the Storm

It has officially been an emotional roller coaster the past four days. I received word on Wednesday that my dear friend David passed away in Afghanistan, and the news hit harder than I could have imagined. I was reminded not only of the frailty of life (David was only 24) but also that every moment spent really is precious.

While there will be a lot of grieving in the weeks and months ahead for those who knew and treasured David, I can also sense a lot of positive reflection on the time spent with him. The kid was ridiculous in more ways than one, but he had a personality that could light up any room. You had a bad day, and you better believe that in one way or another, David would be there to make you smile. While short-lived, he made it count. I will be forever grateful for who he was, because he made the choice to live. David reminds me still of how important it is to really and truly live with everything you have.

In reflecting on his passing, I find how grateful I am for the people God has surrounded me with. It is in these times that God so gently and sweetly reminds you of His goodness and faithfulness when everything around you seems so bleak. It is in moments such as these that He yearns to just wrap us so tightly in His arms and never let go...and it is this peace that I cling to in the time ahead. While I am sad to see David go, I know exactly where he is, and that is so reassuring. There have been many smiles in the past few days while reflecting and reminiscing, and these are the moments I will cherish.

The God of peace is ever present. No matter what the circumstance. Life doesn't always make sense, but I rest knowing that I am in the hand of someone who sees my every need and hears my every cry. It is in these times I feel Him drawing me closer.

Your Heavenly Father hurts with you and for you. How comforting to know that we do not walk this journey alone. How comforting to know that God surrounds us with tangible extensions of His hands and feet. I have seen the love of Christ poured out so graciously in so many of those I have spoken with in the past few days. What a blessing.

There is hope. Hope for the future. Evangel's campus pastor noted that David knew he was a citizen of heaven and a resident here on earth. I cannot wait until that day when we all stand together in the presence of our King.

What a mighty God we serve. No matter the circumstance, let Him lavish His love upon you.

Love you guys.

In Him,


[ amy ] said...

hi friend,

agreed, with everything you said. I've been struck over the past few days with how blessed I am... why is it that I have another day to live? life is precious, and someone like David dying is a big reminder that you can't waste it, because it's never a guarantee. and also... what an impact you have on people without realizing it.

I sure miss that kid! I'm glad we have so many ridiculous memories. :)

Emily Renae said...

Life really is precious and the moments are to be treasured. He really did leave a mark. :) I'm glad we have the memories too. I'm sure he's getting a kick out all our story telling about him!! :)