Monday, July 22, 2013

A Tribute to Jim

As I've sat and thought over the last few days of what exactly I could say, I realized that words will never be adequate. Words will never take away the loss of a husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, and friend. However, I want to honor the man who has invested so much into my life over my last 23 years.

I have known the Majors' family as long as I can remember. I remember Pam and Jim attending my little brother's birthday parties and harassing my mother about being the size of the universe while being pregnant. I remember Jayson toting Alex and I to the zoo or McDonalds or letting me "drive" his truck. I remember the night Jim got saved and how Pam's years of praying had helped bring on a changed man. I remember Jim spending countless hours in our home fixing whatever needed to be taken care of. I remember the orneriness of Jim and his boys, but I also remember how unconditionally Jim loved. I remember him as just being a good man.

I remember the last time I gave Jim a hug and how tightly he squeezed me. I remember how much he loved his grand kids. I remember.

Jim left a legacy, and I for one am quite honored I had the chance to know him as long as I did. I know the loss I feel is only a fraction of the loss the Majors' family feels right now. As the days and weeks plow on, I pray that peace will just overwhelm their hearts and souls.

I am thankful I got to learn from him. I am thankful he is in heaven and will be waiting with great anticipation for when the rest of his family arrives.

So Jim, thanks for being you. It impacted this young life more than you'll ever know.