Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Tides are Turning

We are only six short days away from my favorite holiday....CHRISTMAS!! My Spotify playlist has been running through some of my favorite artists every day while I sit at work. Let me just tell you, sorting mail becomes so much more enjoyable whilst listening to Christmas songs.

The transition into this season is always one of my favorites. There are lights to see, Christmas cookies to decorate and eat, gingerbread houses to make, presents to wrap, and most importantly, this is a time to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world.

I've mentioned before that I've felt God stirring another transition in my own heart since June. I just haven't been quite sure what this transition may look like until recently. Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to catch up with a fantastic friend who is a grad student at Regent University in Virginia. As we caught up on the past several months of life, she again (this is not the first time she has made such a suggestion) mentioned that I should consider getting a Master's in some sort of counseling field. Up until a year ago, I had always been completely ANTI grad school. That's another thing I can add to the list of things I am now doing that I told God I would NEVER do. Man, what a sense of humor that guy has. Anyway, as she talked about the possibility, I got really excited about the idea.

You see, I've been telling God for the last several months that when He wanted me to transition, He was going to have a put a big 'ol neon flashing sign in front of my face. I had no idea what He wanted me to do next, and I was just holding to the dream He has given me to travel and speak to women all over everywhere. However, throughout the past several months, I have felt God tell me that whatever I do next will further prepare me for the ministry He has called me to.

What better way to become more equipped than heading back to school.

I have always had a heart for counseling. In being a pastor, I kind of feel like it comes with the territory. However, I in no way feel prepared to "counsel" someone if they came to me with an extremely serious life situation. So, the more I've thought and prayed about it, getting a Master's feels like my neon flashing sign. In light of the recent tragedy in Connecticut, I've realized how desperate our hurting world is for the love of Jesus. Coupling my love of people with a background in counseling feels like the right move to better aid the lost and hurting world around me. I want nothing more than to be as effective as possible, and I really feel like this next step will open up a whole new world to me.

So, I'm doing it. I'm going back to school. I've requested information, and I am beginning the ever tedious search for which program seems like the best fit for what I ultimately want to do (whether online or at an actual campus). I've got a pretty good idea of the one that sounds absolutely fantastic, but I know that may change as the process continues.

It's amazing to me how God works, and I'm really excited for this next step. Who knew? I'm actually excited to go back to school.

Thanks for letting me ramble!

I'll keep you posted on the process as it goes along!

Love you guys.

In Him,

1 comment:

[ amy ] said...

I'm SO EXCITED for you!! YEA!