Thursday, February 16, 2012

What I Don't Know

In the past few weeks I've learned something very valuable: there is a lot I don't know.

At this time last year, I was roughly 2 1/2 months away from graduating. While in Romania, God stirred my heart and began to give me additional dreams of traveling and doing ministry for women in the States and overseas. I was going to send out resumes...I was going to get plugged into one of these so called ministries. I was going to go.

But God had another plan, and boy am I glad He knows me better than I know myself.

God called me home. Lo and behold, a year later, I am heavily involved in Evangel's (my church is also the name of my college...not trying to confuse anyone!) youth ministry which I never even dreamed. God placed in my heart a desire to get involved this summer, and I have found a new love for teenagers that I never EVER thought I would have. I am helping take on some of the preaching responsibilities and getting to help lead the worship team as our youth pastors have been called on to lead a church in New Jersey. I am under some really incredible leadership. We have a great couple (who I also get to work with at the District office) leading this transition time and whether or not these two know it, they are facilitating a great place for me to learn.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am called into full-time, 100%, full blown ministry. I know that God has given me a lot of dreams and desires (especially to travel and speak), and I am really excited to see how that all pans out. I also know that there is a lot I don't know. God has placed me where I am for a reason, and I am so thankful for that. I am thankful for teachers and people willing to invest in my spiritual, emotional, and mental growth. I am thankful for learning. I am thankful that God kept me from diving head first into full-time ministry because I was/am not ready yet. I am thankful for experience and opportunity to show me how to become a better pastor and a better person.

There are a few things God has really instilled in me, and I want to share them with you all:

1) Don't ever stop being teachable. As a young, fresh out of college kid, it was very easy for me to think I had a handle on what God wanted out of me and where I was going to go. Boy did I (and I still do) have a lot to learn. In Proverbs it says "a wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel." I never want to get to the point where I think I have nothing left to learn. I will ALWAYS have something to learn, somewhere to improve. God has surrounded me with some amazing mentors and people who have been in ministry much longer than I certainly have. What an amazing opportunity to learn and grow.

2) Don't be so stuck that you miss out on a God opportunity. Many of you know that I swore off youth ministry at a very early age. Teenagers drove me nuts (and sometimes still do, but hey, I can't help but love 'em), and I wanted no part in their development. Well, thankfully God helped me get over myself and showed me what a great opportunity I had before me. I get to invest in a group of young people. I get to pour into their lives, and they in turn pour into mine. God is showing me His faithfulness and grace through these students' lives, and that is something I am so thankful for. They are teaching me every day, and I am thankful.

3) Trust in God's good and perfect will for your life. Where I am at right now was not in my plan, but I am so glad it was in God's. I am so glad that He knows exactly where I need to be, and I pray that I trust in that every day of my matter where He tells me to go or how He tells me to move. I don't want to get caught up in my own agenda...I want to be caught up in His will. I know that God has given me some grand dreams and desires, and I believe He is working out those dreams in the way He sees best. I know His plan far exceeds my own. I know it's not about's about Him.

I am being bombarded with knowledge. You know, college taught me a lot, but there is something about experience.

I don't know it all, and I am so thankful I don't. But I am excited to keep learning. In 10 years from now, I want to be able to look back at my life and say that I never quit being teachable. I never got stuck. I trusted in God's good and perfect will for my life.

I still believe I am in for the ride of my life. God is mapping out His perfect plan for me.

Thanks for letting me ramble! (Not like you really had a choice, but thanks for reading!)

Love you guys.

In Him,

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