God has taught me the meaning of patience...or I guess I might still be learning that lesson. This process of waiting just flat out stinks sometimes.
I have caught myself at several points "waiting for my life to start." God kindly reminds me that my life started 22 years ago, and it hasn't stopped. His timing is just far better than my own, and maybe one day I'll get over my stubborn resolve and actually listen to that truth the first time.
In this transition time I have experienced such great rest and joy. I have genuinely loved being home and realize time and time again why God brought me here. My life has still been going...
Since the start of senior year, I have been "waiting" to meet Mr. Right (since everyone else seems to be on that bandwagon, I didn't want to feel left out!!.....ha.), "waiting" to start doing ministry, "waiting."
As far as Mr. Right goes, I know again that God's timing far surpasses my own. To be completely honest, I could not be more excited for my friends who are getting married because I get to share in their special days (and I LOVE weddings...no seriously...love). I know that God will bring him when He's ready. Why rush the moment that God has me in? Why miss out wishing for what He's not ready to show?
Ministry. What I have felt called to do since I was 12. However, God kindly reminded me this week that ministry is not just behind a pulpit or in being a pastor (even though I love doing both). Ministry is in life, in how you live and how you love. I'm a plunge all in kinda kid, and God is showing me that this option is not always the best. He has shown me that in order for Him to be great in the big, I have to let Him show me how to be joyful in the small. I have always had big dreams, and I have also been kindly reminded to not give up on those dreams that God has so fervently placed in me. However, why would God throw me head first into something I'm not ready for? What makes me think I'm exempt from going through the steps it takes to reach those goals...to really appreciate the dreams He has given me? I am actually really genuinely excited to start in the small. He has molded my life so perfectly, and I am ready to continue discovering the puzzle one piece at a time.
No more waiting. This summer has been a chance to live, and I have loved living every minute of it. I have been reminded of some precious friendships and found joy in many already strong relationships. Though I'm not quite sure of where I'm going from here, God knows. As many of my friends prepare to go back to EU, I continue to embrace every precious moment and gift I've been given.
Life's too short. No more waiting. My life started a long time ago. God has already written some pretty awesome chapters...I'm PUMPED to watch Him show me my story.
No fear. No worry. No waiting.
Love you guys.
In Him,
1 comment:
Go, Em! Go, Em! Go, Em!
Somebody said something today that really struck me: "God has me here [on earth, in this city, you fill in the "here" blank] for a reason, for such a time as this." Why would anything less than living this gift of life to the fullest be honoring to Him?
Ok thoughts are going cRaZy in my head... you're getting an email soon. :)
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