Friday, August 19, 2011

Never Say Never

As much as I love me some Justin Bieber, this post is not a tribute to his wonderful film. I did indeed steal the title, but, this is in a completely different context.

I definitely did say never.

I told God (note the telling silly I am) that I was NEVER EVER IN A MILLION GILLION YEARS moving back to Wichita. The Lord has a sense of humor because where am I located now?? Oh yeah, Wichita.

As many of you have read in my earlier postings, I know why I came home this summer, and it was one of the best summers I have had. It was full of growth and rest in the Lord, and I loved absolutely every minute of it.

Searching for a job (like for everyone else) has been a major challenge. Nothing seemed like it was the right job for me or like it was the right door.

In talking to one of our pastor's wives at my church (the wonderful Crystal), we were discussing my heart for inner-city ministry and working with kids and women. (Side-note, I also told the Lord I would NEVER EVER EVER be interested in working with teenagers. I bet you know what comes next!! Yeah, I'm now interested...Oh how funny God is!) She told me to talk to a guy at my church who worked in Kansas City for a long time and would maybe know of some opportunities for me. So, I contacted him.

Along with giving me information, he also told me of a need that the Assemblies of God district office here in Wichita had. They needed a receptionist. At first, I scoffed at the idea. Why in the world would I want to do that? It's not what I feel called to do. The Lord kindly reminded me that ministry is everywhere...not just behind a pulpit. On top of it, this office is full of on-fire people for Jesus who could teach me more than I could ever imagine about what it really means to serve.

God also gently reminded me that before He can be great in me, I have to let Him be great in the small.

So with that, I applied. Yesterday I interviewed and got called back with a job offer. I squealed. That office already feels like home. My interview was fantastic, and I cannot wait to work for these amazing people. I cannot wait to learn everything that God has for me being in that office.

No, it doesn't follow my plan. But, God's plan trumps all, and I cannot wait to see where He leads me from here.

I'm done telling God never (I hope). I'm in for the ride of my life.

Love you guys.

In Him,

1 comment:

[ amy ] said...

I forgot to ever say this, but can I just say NOT surprising that you would steal the title to something Justin Bieber is part of? :o)