Trust me. This shocked me too.
As I stood at the Black sea, God told me no. He told me no to every single plan I have ever had for the past 21 years of my life. And let me tell has been completely liberating.
For the first time ever, I no longer have a plan. Of course, I still have my dreams and aspirations. I dream of being able to go back to Romania and doing ministry. I dream of seeing Roxana again. Being on the east coast would bring my heart so much joy. I would get to see Steph and many of my Evangel friends. (And I know I will see these people again.) However, it is not about my plan. It's about God's.
This feeling, while liberating, is also completely scary. As I send out applications this weekend and work on my resume, I can only sit and wait to see where God leads me next. The lesson I am learning is that God's plans turn out millions of times better than mine ever could or would.
So what is my plan right now? Surrender. God asked me to surrender every single plan I have to Him while I was in Romania. Let's be honest; He's been asking me to do this for years. It just took me awhile to listen. In Romania, I had absolutely no plan. I worked off of everyone else's. While I was the student leader, I completely took a back seat and watched as God worked wonders because I finally let go. As He opened doors and brought people into my life, I realized just how fun and exciting (even though sometimes challenging) His plans are.
God knows the desires of my heart because they are desires that He has given me. I have a desire to do ministry, in whatever capacity that may be.
So, no more Memphis. As hard as this decision is, I know it's the right one. As I sit at my desk, I can see the faces of my kids in the pictures on my wall. As I look at their faces, I know that they are no longer mine to watch over. They never have been. God chose to use me to minister into their lives, and I know He will send someone else in my place. I can always pray for them, and I always will. But it is time, in some sense, to let my babies go. They will always be my babies, but God is moving me in a new and exciting direction.
I am gearing up for the ride of my life. I will keep you posted as I know more. I'm trusting completely. I surrender my life to my Master's plan.
Love you guys,
God will bless your obedience :D
isn't doing what you're supposed to such a freeing thing? no matter what anyone else thinks... you know you're in the right place :)
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