A lot has happened in the past month, but as always, God proves very faithful.
I am now in a new dorm room and officially a resident of Burgess Hall.
Who in the world would have seen that coming????? I am blessed with a floor of wonderful girls. They all welcomed me in from the start, and God has shown me that in the midst of craziness, He is right there. I do miss a lot of the people from Lewis, but I know that change sometimes is very positive. So here I am embarking on a new journey my last year of school.
My last year...wow!! Sometimes graduation just comes up and smacks me in the face. I cannot believe how quickly it is approaching. My feelings are mixed. I have loved being here. My friends are incredible (and are stuck with me even after we graduate), and the experiences I have had are life-changing. I know that God has molded and shaped me due in large part to my time here. However, I am also really excited to start the next phase in my life. A lot of that has to do with Memphis.
Memphis. There is something else on my heart. Pictures of my kids are hanging on my wall in a heart shape. It kills me to not be there and that I haven't had any time to send them anything. However, as a dear friend reminded me, it is not my place to take care of them...it's the Lords'. My place and purpose are here for this moment in time. While I feel like going back next summer is a very strong possibility, I want to make sure that I go for the right reasons, and that I go because the Lord wants me to. I miss them, and they will always be on my heart, but they are in the Father's hands.
I don't want to just do the convenient thing. I want to be radical. I want to be pro-active and go to the places unknown. In some regards, I don't always want to be comfortable. I want to be streched, and I want to learn. Most importantly, I want to be surrendered to He who gives my life meaning.
It is so easy to forget to trust the Lord. Time and time again in the past few weeks, He has reminded me of how faithful He is. Affirmation has come left and right, and I could not be more thankful for that gift. I was given a dream the other night that is the closest thing to a prophecy I have ever dreamed. I was swimming in a river with snakes all over everywhere. However, they would not come anywhere near because the Lord was with me. They could see His presence surrounding me, and I could feel Him. The cool thing about that was in my devotionals the night before, I had asked the Lord to speak to me, and there it was.
The Lord is with me, and nothing can touch me. Yes difficulties come, but the Lord will not leave me. I took the snakes to be the devil, and it was really stinking cool to see them back off because of the anointing they felt on my life.
Talk about empowerment. Alright satan. Let the butt-kicking continue. My God is for me, and you just plain suck. (Yes, I said suck. It's because he does.)
Welp, I have rambled for long enough.
Live a life of victory, for God does not call us to live a life of fear. Live a life of power, for Christ gives strength to the weak and enables us to be proactive. Live a life that is radical, because God has called you to be extraordinary. Live a life full of trust, because we are in our Father's hands. While you are at it, just live.
Love you all,
amen! preach it, sister! :)
I must say, this energy to finish your last year and the wisdom about the Lord being with us and protecting us from everything evil has inspired me!
You would make a very good motivational speaker, Em! LoL
LOVED the snake-story! Isn't that truth! Amazing, simply amazing =D
Ooohh, and I am so happy you were accepted right there and then at Burgess Hall :D
You are definitely an important person in my prayers, Em!
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