Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Braided Hair and Farmer's Tans

I'm sitting here in Memphis, TN before I go back to good 'ol Kansas for the wedding of my dear friend, Kayla. I can't believe that I've been here for almost a month. It is flying out the window, and I am loving absolutely every minute of it. I'm learning so much and growing so much. These kids are teaching me things on a daily basis.

I have had my hair braided by small children more times than I can count. I also have the most impeccable farmer's tan I have ever had in my entire life, and let me just tell ya, I'm pretty excited to strut it this weekend. :) I've truly learned the value of family and friends. These kids literally have nothing, and I have everything. It's humbling and totally puts things into perspective.

I've also learned how precious time is with these kids. Today I learned that some of my favorite kids might not be able to come back to club, and it completely broke my heart. We only get so much time to really be able to invest in these kids. It could be a matter of days. It could be a matter of minutes. The important thing is that we show them the love of Christ everyday through our actions. Time really is of the essence out here, and I want to reach these kids before the streets do.

Today in our Urban Discipleship, we discussed with our teams what we view as something beautiful in the city. For me, it's these kids' smiles, because you know it's genuine. When these kids really truly smile, it makes the hot and nasty days all completely worth it. To have a kid run full speed at you screaming, "Miss Emily, Miss Emily!!!" even though they've only known you for a few short weeks means more than I could ever imagine.

I know I was here to impact their lives. But in more ways than one, they're impacting mine.

We're in a spiritual battle for these kids, and I'm not letting go.

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