Hey all!
Soon (when I don't forget my camera in the other building) I'll be uploading some pictures for you to all feast your eyes upon of some of the precious kids I get to work with everyday.
In a word, Street Reach is unbelievable. I wish that each and every one of you could come and be a part of the ministry that I am so privelaged to get to serve with. The staff here is incredible. We work hard, we're extremely busy, and we get gross. But, we're reaching the lives of hurt families all over this community.
It's an amazing feeling to see these kids charge at you when they've known you for only a day. They see the light of Jesus in you. Everyday. I get to show these kids the hope that I have, and let me just tell you, that is incredible.
There's one little boy who has completely touched my heart. His name is Jovannie, and he is precious. He's 4, and today was my last day with him for I have to move to another site last week to start my permanent work for the summer. When we first picked him up, he barely talked. By the end, he spent more time smiling than anything else. To see the work of the Lord in these kids' lives is just unbelievable. They come from situtaions that I can't even imagine. Some of these little girls have been raped since age 5. Age 5. I don't know about the rest of you, but pretty sure I was eating cheerios and playing with Barbies at age 5. It tears your heart to pieces to hear the stories from these kids. I wish that I could pull them all out of there and take them home with me, but I can't. What I can do is be His hands and His feet.
I came to the fast realization that my life is easy. I've always known this, and I've always gotten tired of people who complain about the little things. But these people literally have nothing and have more joy than half of the people I encounter everyday away from here. I challenge us all to just remember how blessed we are. Most of us have grown up with great families. Most of us have grown up never wondering when we were going to be clothed or fed. Most of us dreaded bath time instead of wishing that someone would take the time to remove the filth that covers their bodies. I've hugged on so many kids this week. And I've realized how much I never want to be stagnant in the life I lead. I want fire. I want passion. I seek change. Our generation needs to rise up. It's for Him and for them. We need to stop being selfish and realize there is a hurting world out there right outside our white picket fences. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being blessed. In fact, we should thank the Lord for it everyday. But why can't we be His hands and His feet? Why can't we be the change He longs to see?
We hear it's time to change the world. So how about we get up and do it.
Next time I will have stories and pictures, but for now, please just open your heart to see the world as the Lord sees it. As Brandon Heath says, Lord, just give us your eyes so we can see the hurt in our lost and dying world.
Isaiah 58:12
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.