For the past few months I have been plagued by bad dreams. Dreams of kidnapping and death and being chased by people I didn't know or care to know for that matter. My mind was in a constant state of turmoil, and I could not figure out how to get them to stop.
So I began to pray.
I prayed that the Lord would turn my dreams from anything evil into dreams of Him and His glory. I would pray it in passing before I would go to sleep, and the dreams would not stop.
So last night, I got down to business. I prayed that the Lord would allow me to see Him in any dream I dreamed that night and that no bad image or thought would take over. And for the first time, I really and truly prayed it.
As always, the Lord came through.
I've become quite the context person, so I am going to give you the background of my dream.
I was with a group of people, and we were on an adventure. We saw lions and mountain lions (I have no idea where I was that you would see both together because it sure wasn't the zoo!) and were told to not run for they would chase us. They did snap a little, but they would never touch me. There is symbolism in this that I will come back to later. (I think the big cats might have to do with the fact that my wonderful friend Deanna is in South Africa right now, and we have talked about African Safaris on a few occasions.)
And as we were walking along, my hand got caught in a tree. The guide told me to wait and look at the bird that was in the tree. He said it was a hummingbird. As I was looking at this bird, I had the sudden impulse to begin to hum. So the bird and I began to hum a simple chorus..."Sing to the Lord, a song of praise. And let us declare, the glory of His name." First, it started as notes, and I harmonized with the bird. We were in an open portion of the area, and the group I was with began to circle around and join in the song of Love to our God. The bird continued to hum the notes with me, and a voice I have not heard come out of me ever burst forth in a song of complete adoration and awe of Savior, God. With complete passion, a chorus had erupted and the entire group was in song. Within moments, a light so bright that it blinded us all came down upon me and enveloped me. It was warm, and it was comforting, and it was my God. As we sang and we sang, such peace came over my heart. The chorus began to die down until it was just the bird and I again humming the simple chorus: "Sing to the Lord, a song of praise. And let us declare, the glory of His name." Walking away, I asked a member of the group what he thought the light was. He looked at me and smiled, and we both knew God had been in that place.
And then I woke up. Smiling from ear-to-ear. Talk about a God dream. He gave me a new song to sing (which I am currently writing down all the lyrics to), and a peace I have not felt in quite some time.
The lions and mountain lions were everything I have faced in the past few months and even while being home on break. My guide was Jesus. "Emily, do not run, for they will chase. But embrace what you face for I am with you always. I will be with you, and I will guide you." And right after the struggle came one of the smallest creatures...a bird. I never saw the guide's face. I only heard his voice as he guided and directed our group. Once I found the bird, the guide slipped away. I feel as though he was watching from a distance and smiling.
I am beyond joyful. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it! I have a new song to sing, and one that definitely came from up above. The dreams that have plagued are no more for I have found hope. I will not run. I will embrace. I will sing my song of Love.
Don't doubt the small, for God works in mighty ways.
Love you all,
These are the ramblings of one woman trying to navigate her way through this crazy thing known as life. In everything I do, I strive to live, laugh, and love. Without these and the strength of the Father, I have nothing.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
It has finally hit...the half-way mark of Senior year! (Next semester I will hopefully have a better camera because that is what I asked, this can turn into a blog with more pictures!)
Where in the world is the time going? I am sitting at home with one semester left of my college career.
As you have probably figured out by now, I am extremely futuristic. But instead of viewing this as only having one semester, I am going to try my absolute hardest to view this as I get one more semester. I get one more semester with the people who have become a whole other family to me...with the mentors who have invested in me and helped me to grow.
And I am blessed beyond measure to have the amazing floor I do. B4N is a wonderful place to be. I have met some of the most incredible women on this floor, and God could not have put them in my life at a better time.
Next semester is also going to be full of a lot of opportunities...(stay tuned!). There is one in particular that I am pretty excited about but will share in due time. I get one more semester to glean and learn all I can from the people and environment that is Evangel. I could not be more thankful that I do.
Next week begins work. I am working at vet clinic for 6 days to help them during the Christmas rush. God also dropped that right in my lap. Thank You for the opportunity.
After that, I get to go to Memphis. I get to see my kids. :D :D :D :D :D
I am pretty darn excited in case you couldn't tell.
It will have been 5 months since I have seen any of them, and I cannot wait for the opportunity to hold them in my arms once more. I still see their faces. Of all the people in the world, God chose little old me. Me. And in a few weeks time, I think even more of my future after school will be made clear.
Until then, I fully intend on enjoying every last minute of the present. I will have many a bonding experience in the months to come. This break has already been one full of events! My wonderful friends, Tom and Tori, paid for me to go see the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert. SWEET!!!! And, I got to see the latest Chronicles of Narnia movie yesterday.
It's the little things.
T-minus 8 days til Christmas.
T-minus 2 weeks and 1 day until Memphis.
I'm continuing to hold on for the ride of my life. :)
Love you guys,
Where in the world is the time going? I am sitting at home with one semester left of my college career.
As you have probably figured out by now, I am extremely futuristic. But instead of viewing this as only having one semester, I am going to try my absolute hardest to view this as I get one more semester. I get one more semester with the people who have become a whole other family to me...with the mentors who have invested in me and helped me to grow.
And I am blessed beyond measure to have the amazing floor I do. B4N is a wonderful place to be. I have met some of the most incredible women on this floor, and God could not have put them in my life at a better time.
Next semester is also going to be full of a lot of opportunities...(stay tuned!). There is one in particular that I am pretty excited about but will share in due time. I get one more semester to glean and learn all I can from the people and environment that is Evangel. I could not be more thankful that I do.
Next week begins work. I am working at vet clinic for 6 days to help them during the Christmas rush. God also dropped that right in my lap. Thank You for the opportunity.
After that, I get to go to Memphis. I get to see my kids. :D :D :D :D :D
I am pretty darn excited in case you couldn't tell.
It will have been 5 months since I have seen any of them, and I cannot wait for the opportunity to hold them in my arms once more. I still see their faces. Of all the people in the world, God chose little old me. Me. And in a few weeks time, I think even more of my future after school will be made clear.
Until then, I fully intend on enjoying every last minute of the present. I will have many a bonding experience in the months to come. This break has already been one full of events! My wonderful friends, Tom and Tori, paid for me to go see the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert. SWEET!!!! And, I got to see the latest Chronicles of Narnia movie yesterday.
It's the little things.
T-minus 8 days til Christmas.
T-minus 2 weeks and 1 day until Memphis.
I'm continuing to hold on for the ride of my life. :)
Love you guys,
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Bright Lights
'Tis the season, and I absolutely love this time of year. There is so much joy and so many things to be thankful for.
Someone asked me what I enjoyed the most about Christmas, and I had to take a moment to really ponder this. I absolutely love the atmosphere of Christmas, giving gifts, seeing lights, listening to Christmas music, and being with friends and family. However, there is something else that I had never really put into words before until last night.
Christmas brings light to a very dark season.
I think this is a rather interesting concept. In one of the most dreary and freezing cold times of the year, the streets are lit for miles. There is so much joy just in the simple process of admiring Christmas lights.
Christmas could not have a more appropriate title. Christ brought his light to a dark and dying world. Like the lights that make the city shine so brightly this time of year, a light so much more powerful was brought to a dismal world and continues to shine through every season.
No wonder there is so much joy. For a society who tries to take God out of absolutely everything, they have indirectly put Him right back in through the simplicity of hanging up Christmas lights. They shine and remind people of the joy that the season brings. However, do we really stop to think about the true light that was brought to us on that Christmas day over 2,000 years ago? I do not know about you, but that makes me even more joyful just thinking about it!
One of my favorite things to do during Christmas time is go around and look at all the lights. 21 years later, I understand why. It signifies so much more to me than just the commercialized scene that Christmas has become. It is a demonstration of the beacon of hope I look to and serve every day of my life. Christmas joy does not have to be only once a year. Christmas joy is eternal for we have the light 365 days a year.
So I challenge you this year to look at the lights in a new way. Yeah, they are fun and colorful and a happy reminder of one of the most wonderful times of the year. But don't forget the light that came into this world to save us all. That is a light that shines more brightly than any bulb could do justice.

'Tis the season! I will enjoy every minute of it. :)
Love you guys,
Someone asked me what I enjoyed the most about Christmas, and I had to take a moment to really ponder this. I absolutely love the atmosphere of Christmas, giving gifts, seeing lights, listening to Christmas music, and being with friends and family. However, there is something else that I had never really put into words before until last night.
Christmas brings light to a very dark season.
I think this is a rather interesting concept. In one of the most dreary and freezing cold times of the year, the streets are lit for miles. There is so much joy just in the simple process of admiring Christmas lights.
Christmas could not have a more appropriate title. Christ brought his light to a dark and dying world. Like the lights that make the city shine so brightly this time of year, a light so much more powerful was brought to a dismal world and continues to shine through every season.
No wonder there is so much joy. For a society who tries to take God out of absolutely everything, they have indirectly put Him right back in through the simplicity of hanging up Christmas lights. They shine and remind people of the joy that the season brings. However, do we really stop to think about the true light that was brought to us on that Christmas day over 2,000 years ago? I do not know about you, but that makes me even more joyful just thinking about it!
One of my favorite things to do during Christmas time is go around and look at all the lights. 21 years later, I understand why. It signifies so much more to me than just the commercialized scene that Christmas has become. It is a demonstration of the beacon of hope I look to and serve every day of my life. Christmas joy does not have to be only once a year. Christmas joy is eternal for we have the light 365 days a year.
So I challenge you this year to look at the lights in a new way. Yeah, they are fun and colorful and a happy reminder of one of the most wonderful times of the year. But don't forget the light that came into this world to save us all. That is a light that shines more brightly than any bulb could do justice.

'Tis the season! I will enjoy every minute of it. :)
Love you guys,
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A lot has happened in the past month, but as always, God proves very faithful.
I am now in a new dorm room and officially a resident of Burgess Hall.
Who in the world would have seen that coming????? I am blessed with a floor of wonderful girls. They all welcomed me in from the start, and God has shown me that in the midst of craziness, He is right there. I do miss a lot of the people from Lewis, but I know that change sometimes is very positive. So here I am embarking on a new journey my last year of school.
My last!! Sometimes graduation just comes up and smacks me in the face. I cannot believe how quickly it is approaching. My feelings are mixed. I have loved being here. My friends are incredible (and are stuck with me even after we graduate), and the experiences I have had are life-changing. I know that God has molded and shaped me due in large part to my time here. However, I am also really excited to start the next phase in my life. A lot of that has to do with Memphis.
Memphis. There is something else on my heart. Pictures of my kids are hanging on my wall in a heart shape. It kills me to not be there and that I haven't had any time to send them anything. However, as a dear friend reminded me, it is not my place to take care of's the Lords'. My place and purpose are here for this moment in time. While I feel like going back next summer is a very strong possibility, I want to make sure that I go for the right reasons, and that I go because the Lord wants me to. I miss them, and they will always be on my heart, but they are in the Father's hands.
I don't want to just do the convenient thing. I want to be radical. I want to be pro-active and go to the places unknown. In some regards, I don't always want to be comfortable. I want to be streched, and I want to learn. Most importantly, I want to be surrendered to He who gives my life meaning.
It is so easy to forget to trust the Lord. Time and time again in the past few weeks, He has reminded me of how faithful He is. Affirmation has come left and right, and I could not be more thankful for that gift. I was given a dream the other night that is the closest thing to a prophecy I have ever dreamed. I was swimming in a river with snakes all over everywhere. However, they would not come anywhere near because the Lord was with me. They could see His presence surrounding me, and I could feel Him. The cool thing about that was in my devotionals the night before, I had asked the Lord to speak to me, and there it was.
The Lord is with me, and nothing can touch me. Yes difficulties come, but the Lord will not leave me. I took the snakes to be the devil, and it was really stinking cool to see them back off because of the anointing they felt on my life.
Talk about empowerment. Alright satan. Let the butt-kicking continue. My God is for me, and you just plain suck. (Yes, I said suck. It's because he does.)
Welp, I have rambled for long enough.
Live a life of victory, for God does not call us to live a life of fear. Live a life of power, for Christ gives strength to the weak and enables us to be proactive. Live a life that is radical, because God has called you to be extraordinary. Live a life full of trust, because we are in our Father's hands. While you are at it, just live.
Love you all,
I am now in a new dorm room and officially a resident of Burgess Hall.
Who in the world would have seen that coming????? I am blessed with a floor of wonderful girls. They all welcomed me in from the start, and God has shown me that in the midst of craziness, He is right there. I do miss a lot of the people from Lewis, but I know that change sometimes is very positive. So here I am embarking on a new journey my last year of school.
My last!! Sometimes graduation just comes up and smacks me in the face. I cannot believe how quickly it is approaching. My feelings are mixed. I have loved being here. My friends are incredible (and are stuck with me even after we graduate), and the experiences I have had are life-changing. I know that God has molded and shaped me due in large part to my time here. However, I am also really excited to start the next phase in my life. A lot of that has to do with Memphis.
Memphis. There is something else on my heart. Pictures of my kids are hanging on my wall in a heart shape. It kills me to not be there and that I haven't had any time to send them anything. However, as a dear friend reminded me, it is not my place to take care of's the Lords'. My place and purpose are here for this moment in time. While I feel like going back next summer is a very strong possibility, I want to make sure that I go for the right reasons, and that I go because the Lord wants me to. I miss them, and they will always be on my heart, but they are in the Father's hands.
I don't want to just do the convenient thing. I want to be radical. I want to be pro-active and go to the places unknown. In some regards, I don't always want to be comfortable. I want to be streched, and I want to learn. Most importantly, I want to be surrendered to He who gives my life meaning.
It is so easy to forget to trust the Lord. Time and time again in the past few weeks, He has reminded me of how faithful He is. Affirmation has come left and right, and I could not be more thankful for that gift. I was given a dream the other night that is the closest thing to a prophecy I have ever dreamed. I was swimming in a river with snakes all over everywhere. However, they would not come anywhere near because the Lord was with me. They could see His presence surrounding me, and I could feel Him. The cool thing about that was in my devotionals the night before, I had asked the Lord to speak to me, and there it was.
The Lord is with me, and nothing can touch me. Yes difficulties come, but the Lord will not leave me. I took the snakes to be the devil, and it was really stinking cool to see them back off because of the anointing they felt on my life.
Talk about empowerment. Alright satan. Let the butt-kicking continue. My God is for me, and you just plain suck. (Yes, I said suck. It's because he does.)
Welp, I have rambled for long enough.
Live a life of victory, for God does not call us to live a life of fear. Live a life of power, for Christ gives strength to the weak and enables us to be proactive. Live a life that is radical, because God has called you to be extraordinary. Live a life full of trust, because we are in our Father's hands. While you are at it, just live.
Love you all,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I have found a common location to be in for when I write my blogs, and this place just so happens to be the Crosswalk office. I guess it has become a place of refuge for when I need to think, write sermons, or write lovely New Testament Theology papers at 3 in the morning.
As promised, here is my update about the month of October so far.
Let's just say that God went above and beyond everything I ever thought He would do with regards to this lovely all girls' chapel that I put on. The response was unreal!! And the presence of the Lord was definitely felt all throughout the chapel.
The chapel was called Beauty in the Eyes of God. Now some of you may be going, what in the world does that mean and why does it sound so cliche? Well, it probably is cliche but what I talked about was anything but. In this chapel, the Lord really laid on my heart to bring into light the circumstances and struggles that are so often kept in darkness. He challenged me to bring up the hard topics such as eating disorders, depression, suicide, cutting, lust, homosexuality, drinking, drugs...pretty much all things never EVER discussed within the Christian setting. And it got me to thinking, of all the people on this campus, God chose me.
I am just one person, but I am one person with a story and a heart for women. I hate watching my generation being torn apart because of the lies we allow satan to pour into our lives. (Yes I know that satan is a proper name for you grammatical people, but I've never thought he deserved the caps.) In this chapel, I got the very opportunity to tell my story and to share my struggles with the female student body. And let me tell you, it was definitely Jesus' words coming out of my mouth...minus the comment about feeling like Britney Spears with the headset I was wearing. It was definitely one of those larger than life headsets in which you would see in the Oops I Did It Again! videos. However, no worries, I did not dance.
Me and my rambling.
Basically, this chapel rocked my world for not only did God challenge me to bring into light my own struggles, but He challenged me to bring up the ones I have never talked about in public much less than to anyone other than Alina. (Alina is my best friend and one of the coolest people ever in case that needed clarification.) :) So, being God, He stretched me in ways that I was so not ready for. However, He had me tell Laurisha and Amy first.
You better believed this freaked me out.
But you would not believe the FREEDOM! I felt after I finally just gave it up to the Lord, womaned it up, and talked about it. Not to mention the affirmation I got from the two of them. I love wonderful and supporting Godly friends.
You know, it is amazing what satan loses control over and God lifts the burdens of once you allow the Lord to do His job. I told my biggest and darkest secret. (I'm sure I've sparked some of your interests, so just let me know, and I will let you listen to the recording of my chapel.) And you know what, no one ran away screaming. No one looked at me like I was the world's biggest failure.
They looked at me like I was real. And that someone had actually been bold enough to share and now they inturn could share themselves. I had so many girls approach me afterwards saying that that was exactly what they needed to hear. Chains began to be shattered and lives began to be healed. Girls confessed things they had never told before because I actually let God use me.
Huh. Weird concept. Listening to the Lord when He tells you to do something. It's like He has a purpose or something.
That chapel had absolutely nothing to do with me. But God used one woman with one story to plant a seed in the lives of a little over one-hundred women. One of the greatest opportunites of my life so far?? You best believe it!
It is time to loosen the enemies control on what we have faced.
Our past does not define us. It is who we are in Christ.
Well, that is all I have for now. This weekend is Homecoming and my dear Laurisha and Amy are gracing the football field as homecoming queen nominees. I could not be more proud/excited!! SINK THE VIKINGS. (There is Emily's school pride. Woot Woot.)
Until my next rambling, never forget to keep your eyes focused on the author and perfector of our faith.
Love you guys,
As promised, here is my update about the month of October so far.
Let's just say that God went above and beyond everything I ever thought He would do with regards to this lovely all girls' chapel that I put on. The response was unreal!! And the presence of the Lord was definitely felt all throughout the chapel.
The chapel was called Beauty in the Eyes of God. Now some of you may be going, what in the world does that mean and why does it sound so cliche? Well, it probably is cliche but what I talked about was anything but. In this chapel, the Lord really laid on my heart to bring into light the circumstances and struggles that are so often kept in darkness. He challenged me to bring up the hard topics such as eating disorders, depression, suicide, cutting, lust, homosexuality, drinking, drugs...pretty much all things never EVER discussed within the Christian setting. And it got me to thinking, of all the people on this campus, God chose me.
I am just one person, but I am one person with a story and a heart for women. I hate watching my generation being torn apart because of the lies we allow satan to pour into our lives. (Yes I know that satan is a proper name for you grammatical people, but I've never thought he deserved the caps.) In this chapel, I got the very opportunity to tell my story and to share my struggles with the female student body. And let me tell you, it was definitely Jesus' words coming out of my mouth...minus the comment about feeling like Britney Spears with the headset I was wearing. It was definitely one of those larger than life headsets in which you would see in the Oops I Did It Again! videos. However, no worries, I did not dance.
Me and my rambling.
Basically, this chapel rocked my world for not only did God challenge me to bring into light my own struggles, but He challenged me to bring up the ones I have never talked about in public much less than to anyone other than Alina. (Alina is my best friend and one of the coolest people ever in case that needed clarification.) :) So, being God, He stretched me in ways that I was so not ready for. However, He had me tell Laurisha and Amy first.
You better believed this freaked me out.
But you would not believe the FREEDOM! I felt after I finally just gave it up to the Lord, womaned it up, and talked about it. Not to mention the affirmation I got from the two of them. I love wonderful and supporting Godly friends.
You know, it is amazing what satan loses control over and God lifts the burdens of once you allow the Lord to do His job. I told my biggest and darkest secret. (I'm sure I've sparked some of your interests, so just let me know, and I will let you listen to the recording of my chapel.) And you know what, no one ran away screaming. No one looked at me like I was the world's biggest failure.
They looked at me like I was real. And that someone had actually been bold enough to share and now they inturn could share themselves. I had so many girls approach me afterwards saying that that was exactly what they needed to hear. Chains began to be shattered and lives began to be healed. Girls confessed things they had never told before because I actually let God use me.
Huh. Weird concept. Listening to the Lord when He tells you to do something. It's like He has a purpose or something.
That chapel had absolutely nothing to do with me. But God used one woman with one story to plant a seed in the lives of a little over one-hundred women. One of the greatest opportunites of my life so far?? You best believe it!
It is time to loosen the enemies control on what we have faced.
Our past does not define us. It is who we are in Christ.
Well, that is all I have for now. This weekend is Homecoming and my dear Laurisha and Amy are gracing the football field as homecoming queen nominees. I could not be more proud/excited!! SINK THE VIKINGS. (There is Emily's school pride. Woot Woot.)
Until my next rambling, never forget to keep your eyes focused on the author and perfector of our faith.
Love you guys,
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Doors of Opportunity With Blessing All Around
As I write this post, I am sitting in the Crosswalk office listening to the sound of the rain against the roof. Correction: torrential downpour. The only reason I am still in here is to evade going out into the wonderful (sarcasm) mid-western weather for as long as humanly possible. If it were not against the rules, I would potentially just set up a cot seeing as the couch is extremely uncomfortable to sleep on.
Here I go rambling again!
Life has been full of many wonderful opportunities with many open doors. God is providing so many ways for me to serve Him that it just feels unreal! I am very humbled by it all. One of the most exciting that I have coming up is the alternate chapel I get to lead.
God has given me a message for the girls of this campus on us and our body image. That is the only detail that will be given for now because some of the girls of the wonderful Evangel University campus read my blog, and I do not want to ruin anything for them. ;) This is the one time that I am actually being good about keeping it a secret until the chapel! Plus, my message is still in the works, but this is only a technical detail. ;) Everything has just fallen into place. Pastor John (our campus pastor) is completely game for all of it, and I have the support of many of the female leaders of this campus. I am so blessed to have all of them backing me. God has opened all the right doors, and all I have had to do is walk through them.
At first, I was super hesistant about doing this chapel. For one, it has absolutely nothing to do with me, and I had no desire for it to turn into anything of the sort. This chapel is about Jesus, and this chapel is about the girls of this campus. I just get to be the vessel that shares her story and her struggles. Secondly, I was just plain scared to ask if I could. There is something a little intimidating about going up and asking for permission to speak in front of the female student body. However, like always, God opened the door. It is amazing what happens when we just do what He asks. I love the conversations I have with God:
God: "Emily, I want you to do this chapel."
Me: "Um, are you sure that I'm really the one you want to do this? And what if they don't go for it? And I just don't know if I know what to do to get it all going. I mean, it would be an amazing opportunity, but are you sure?" (I love how I asked the God of the Universe if He was sure. Still makes me laugh. These are just the sum of all things called excuses.)
God: "Emily, I want you to do this chapel. Go ask Pastor John. He is standing right there."
Emily: "God, let's be real here. I'm a little nervous to go ask. And when I get nervous I ramble and blubber up my words."
God: "Emily..."
Emily: "Alright, alright, I'll ask."
Huh, funny what happens when I actually do what I'm told. Of course, that's my interpretation of that conversation with the Lord. I hope it made some sort of sense.
I feel so humbled that the Lord has chosen me to be His vessel for this particular night. My prayer is just that He will speak through me and that lives will be touched and healed through it. I know it's not me. I just pray that I am prepared enough and open enough to be used effectively.
Not only do I have some amazing opportunities, but I am surrounded by some incredible friends. I have so much support and so many people have already told me they are going to be there to hear me and support me. I have people driving into town just for this one night, and I feel humbled yet again. The love I feel around me is so overwhelming.
My dear friend Emily Nance came into town this past weekend, and it was so wonderful to see her. She is off to the World Race in January, and I could not be more proud. The Lord has opened some incredible doors for her as well, so if you think about it, keep her in your prayers. The Lord has some amazing plans for her life, and I cannot wait to see where He takes her. I am beyond blessed to be her friend. She's a wonderful addition to my close circle of friends.
In fact, I'm blessed period by all of the amazing friends I have surrounding me all the time. God reminds me daily of how lucky I am to have the friends and the family that I do. It's funny how so many times I try to question God yet He has had it figured out all along. Maybe one day I'll learn. I'm just glad I serve a God who is not afraid of my questions. I'm glad He takes me and molds me from who I've been into who I'm becoming.
So, as this next month unfolds, I will let you all know how the Lord works out all of these amazing opportunities. I cannot wait to see what He does. :)
Until then, I have rambled enough. It is time to face the current storm that has again struck the greater Springfield area.
Love you guys,
Here I go rambling again!
Life has been full of many wonderful opportunities with many open doors. God is providing so many ways for me to serve Him that it just feels unreal! I am very humbled by it all. One of the most exciting that I have coming up is the alternate chapel I get to lead.
God has given me a message for the girls of this campus on us and our body image. That is the only detail that will be given for now because some of the girls of the wonderful Evangel University campus read my blog, and I do not want to ruin anything for them. ;) This is the one time that I am actually being good about keeping it a secret until the chapel! Plus, my message is still in the works, but this is only a technical detail. ;) Everything has just fallen into place. Pastor John (our campus pastor) is completely game for all of it, and I have the support of many of the female leaders of this campus. I am so blessed to have all of them backing me. God has opened all the right doors, and all I have had to do is walk through them.
At first, I was super hesistant about doing this chapel. For one, it has absolutely nothing to do with me, and I had no desire for it to turn into anything of the sort. This chapel is about Jesus, and this chapel is about the girls of this campus. I just get to be the vessel that shares her story and her struggles. Secondly, I was just plain scared to ask if I could. There is something a little intimidating about going up and asking for permission to speak in front of the female student body. However, like always, God opened the door. It is amazing what happens when we just do what He asks. I love the conversations I have with God:
God: "Emily, I want you to do this chapel."
Me: "Um, are you sure that I'm really the one you want to do this? And what if they don't go for it? And I just don't know if I know what to do to get it all going. I mean, it would be an amazing opportunity, but are you sure?" (I love how I asked the God of the Universe if He was sure. Still makes me laugh. These are just the sum of all things called excuses.)
God: "Emily, I want you to do this chapel. Go ask Pastor John. He is standing right there."
Emily: "God, let's be real here. I'm a little nervous to go ask. And when I get nervous I ramble and blubber up my words."
God: "Emily..."
Emily: "Alright, alright, I'll ask."
Huh, funny what happens when I actually do what I'm told. Of course, that's my interpretation of that conversation with the Lord. I hope it made some sort of sense.
I feel so humbled that the Lord has chosen me to be His vessel for this particular night. My prayer is just that He will speak through me and that lives will be touched and healed through it. I know it's not me. I just pray that I am prepared enough and open enough to be used effectively.
Not only do I have some amazing opportunities, but I am surrounded by some incredible friends. I have so much support and so many people have already told me they are going to be there to hear me and support me. I have people driving into town just for this one night, and I feel humbled yet again. The love I feel around me is so overwhelming.
My dear friend Emily Nance came into town this past weekend, and it was so wonderful to see her. She is off to the World Race in January, and I could not be more proud. The Lord has opened some incredible doors for her as well, so if you think about it, keep her in your prayers. The Lord has some amazing plans for her life, and I cannot wait to see where He takes her. I am beyond blessed to be her friend. She's a wonderful addition to my close circle of friends.
In fact, I'm blessed period by all of the amazing friends I have surrounding me all the time. God reminds me daily of how lucky I am to have the friends and the family that I do. It's funny how so many times I try to question God yet He has had it figured out all along. Maybe one day I'll learn. I'm just glad I serve a God who is not afraid of my questions. I'm glad He takes me and molds me from who I've been into who I'm becoming.
So, as this next month unfolds, I will let you all know how the Lord works out all of these amazing opportunities. I cannot wait to see what He does. :)
Until then, I have rambled enough. It is time to face the current storm that has again struck the greater Springfield area.
Love you guys,
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Evangel University - Chapter 4
This is it. I have returned to Evangel University for my Senior year in college. I cannot believe I have already been through three years in college. Where did the time go?? This was my final move into the dorms. For the last time, I hiked the flights of good 'ol Lewis hall with all my stuff that I have accumulated over the years.
I have returned the wonderful people and familiar faces I have grown so accustomed to. It's amazing how quickly things go right back to normal. It really does not feel like I haven't seen these people in four months. I guess that's when the Lord reminds me just how blessed I am to have some pretty stinking incredible friends.
Thoughts of Memphis and my kiddos still flood my head and my heart. I chose 65 pictures that I need to edit and print to stick on my walls. The ringworm I had has left a nice little scar on the top of my shoulder as a reminder of all that I learned this summer. I still see their smiles and hear their laughter and feel beyond blessed that God gave me this amazing opportunity to go outside of myself.
Yesterday I got a very wonderful opportunity to hang out with one of my dearest friends, Miss Laurisha Cotton. As we were catching up on life, we were discussing the arrangements of how we would see each other once graduation happened. It's in the near future, and that is something that is kind of completely scary. I got to have a Starbucks study date with Miss Amy Scott this afternoon and realized how much I treasure my time with each of these wonderful people.
I know everyone feels this way, but I am pretty stinking convinced taht I have the best friends in the entire world. God has seriously blessed me with such a great support network and not even all of them are in Springfield.
My futuristic tendency is to think about everything in the future like all the time, and I'm going to have to FORCE myself to not want to do that. This time is to be treasured, and I know I will never have another opportunity like this. I feel very thankful that I get this time to spend with some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.
With visions of Memphis driving me forward, I find motivation in knowing that I have truly found my purpose in life. My purpose is to love my heavenly Father with all that I have and to live my life accordingly. I know his hand is on my life, and I cannot wait to see where he takes me after this chapter closes. Until then, I'm gonna be living it up here on good 'ol Evangel University's campus!
Love you guys,
I have returned the wonderful people and familiar faces I have grown so accustomed to. It's amazing how quickly things go right back to normal. It really does not feel like I haven't seen these people in four months. I guess that's when the Lord reminds me just how blessed I am to have some pretty stinking incredible friends.
Thoughts of Memphis and my kiddos still flood my head and my heart. I chose 65 pictures that I need to edit and print to stick on my walls. The ringworm I had has left a nice little scar on the top of my shoulder as a reminder of all that I learned this summer. I still see their smiles and hear their laughter and feel beyond blessed that God gave me this amazing opportunity to go outside of myself.
Yesterday I got a very wonderful opportunity to hang out with one of my dearest friends, Miss Laurisha Cotton. As we were catching up on life, we were discussing the arrangements of how we would see each other once graduation happened. It's in the near future, and that is something that is kind of completely scary. I got to have a Starbucks study date with Miss Amy Scott this afternoon and realized how much I treasure my time with each of these wonderful people.
I know everyone feels this way, but I am pretty stinking convinced taht I have the best friends in the entire world. God has seriously blessed me with such a great support network and not even all of them are in Springfield.
My futuristic tendency is to think about everything in the future like all the time, and I'm going to have to FORCE myself to not want to do that. This time is to be treasured, and I know I will never have another opportunity like this. I feel very thankful that I get this time to spend with some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.
With visions of Memphis driving me forward, I find motivation in knowing that I have truly found my purpose in life. My purpose is to love my heavenly Father with all that I have and to live my life accordingly. I know his hand is on my life, and I cannot wait to see where he takes me after this chapter closes. Until then, I'm gonna be living it up here on good 'ol Evangel University's campus!
Love you guys,
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Beginning of Change
I wish I had enough words to describe what the past 2 1/2 months have meant to me. I wish I had enough pictures to capture the essence of the kids that I was so privelaged to work with every Monday thru Friday. I wish that I could hold each and every one of them every day of my life.
Everywhere I look, I see faces. Theirs. I see their smiles and hear their laughter and the excited screams when they see me at Bible Club site. And I find myself completely and utterly torn. The Lord always has a plan for everything, and in that I find complete peace and hope. However, it doesn't really change the longing I feel in my heart. My continual prayer was that the Lord would break my heart for what broke His. I sought to be His vessel, broken and poured out. I knew that it was on His strength that I was going to have the courage to do that which He asked of me this summer. And here I am. Completely and totally broken. My summer complete and my life completely transformed.
I have never felt more confident of my calling than I do now. I belong in the inner-city. The United States needs missionaries as well, and the Lord has called me to be one. One of the coolest experiences just happened to fall on my birthday. I turned 21 while in Memphis, and I wasn't quite sure just how exciting this birthday would be. However, the Lord never ceases to amaze. As we stood at club site, all 50 of my kids were huddled around me. In one large chorus, they all broke out into happy birthday and proceeded to dogpile me. There's nothing quite like 50 kids swarming you to make sure that you know how much you mean to them on your special day. My kids who have nothing made sure that my day was special. One of my little boys came to me with a cupcake saying, "Miss Emily, my grandma and I want you to have this since it's your birthday." They thought of me. Little old me. Here I am thinking my job is to minister to them, but they showed me Christ's love in a way that I have never seen before. That is because they are genuine.
These kids don't just smile to smile. If they're gonna smile, they're gonna mean it. But when they do smile, it is one of the most beautiful things you will ever see. Their hearts are being opened up, and God is pouring His love through them. My kids called me mom. I'm barely 21 and in no way, shape, or form ready to be a mom. However, to them, I was that woman. One of my girls introduced me to all of her friends as her momma. It opened my eyes. They wanted me to be that figure in their life more than anything and leaving them was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. Some told me they'd come find me in Kansas. Others begged me not to go. And it's those faces that I walk away with. It's the tears on their cheeks as I hugged them and promised them that I would never forget about them. I don't believe in goodbyes; I believe in see you laters. That is exactly what I told all of them.
I know none of it was me. It had nothing to do with me. I'm one person in this gigantic world. But God so blessed me with an opportunity to pour out His love on His children. And in return, they poured out His love on me. I just can't believe God let me be the one to get to do this. I am so humbled by this amazing opportunity and all that I am still learning from it. This time is a serious time of reflection, and I am already starting to see the change the Lord has began. My life is not about me. My life is about Him and them. I will be His hands and feet wherever He sends me. The cool thing about our God is that you know He still hears their cries. He hears them, He sees them, and He loves them so much more than I ever could. It was hard to leave but I know that they are in the Father's hands. It doesn't matter where I go, they will always be with me. They go with me in my heart and my thoughts. I think about them so much and realize that it was in their eyes that I saw love. My heart is broken for the poor and the oppressed and the needy. I will follow you Lord, into the world.
As more time goes on, I'm sure I will find more words to say. But here it is. Raw emotion with raw reflection. I am one person seeking to find my place in this world. Through Memphis, I feel one step closer. I am forever grateful for the kids I got to minister to and the friendships that I have made. That was another neat thing about Street Reach. I was surrounded with the same group of 18 people who were there for the exact thing I was. We were there to serve our Jesus. I am thankful for the ties I have made and cannot wait to see each of them again.
There is a song I challenge each of you to listen to. It's called Keep Changing the World by Mikeschair. It has revolutionized my world. I hope it can do the same for you.
For now, that is my rambling.
I love you guys,
Everywhere I look, I see faces. Theirs. I see their smiles and hear their laughter and the excited screams when they see me at Bible Club site. And I find myself completely and utterly torn. The Lord always has a plan for everything, and in that I find complete peace and hope. However, it doesn't really change the longing I feel in my heart. My continual prayer was that the Lord would break my heart for what broke His. I sought to be His vessel, broken and poured out. I knew that it was on His strength that I was going to have the courage to do that which He asked of me this summer. And here I am. Completely and totally broken. My summer complete and my life completely transformed.
I have never felt more confident of my calling than I do now. I belong in the inner-city. The United States needs missionaries as well, and the Lord has called me to be one. One of the coolest experiences just happened to fall on my birthday. I turned 21 while in Memphis, and I wasn't quite sure just how exciting this birthday would be. However, the Lord never ceases to amaze. As we stood at club site, all 50 of my kids were huddled around me. In one large chorus, they all broke out into happy birthday and proceeded to dogpile me. There's nothing quite like 50 kids swarming you to make sure that you know how much you mean to them on your special day. My kids who have nothing made sure that my day was special. One of my little boys came to me with a cupcake saying, "Miss Emily, my grandma and I want you to have this since it's your birthday." They thought of me. Little old me. Here I am thinking my job is to minister to them, but they showed me Christ's love in a way that I have never seen before. That is because they are genuine.
These kids don't just smile to smile. If they're gonna smile, they're gonna mean it. But when they do smile, it is one of the most beautiful things you will ever see. Their hearts are being opened up, and God is pouring His love through them. My kids called me mom. I'm barely 21 and in no way, shape, or form ready to be a mom. However, to them, I was that woman. One of my girls introduced me to all of her friends as her momma. It opened my eyes. They wanted me to be that figure in their life more than anything and leaving them was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. Some told me they'd come find me in Kansas. Others begged me not to go. And it's those faces that I walk away with. It's the tears on their cheeks as I hugged them and promised them that I would never forget about them. I don't believe in goodbyes; I believe in see you laters. That is exactly what I told all of them.
I know none of it was me. It had nothing to do with me. I'm one person in this gigantic world. But God so blessed me with an opportunity to pour out His love on His children. And in return, they poured out His love on me. I just can't believe God let me be the one to get to do this. I am so humbled by this amazing opportunity and all that I am still learning from it. This time is a serious time of reflection, and I am already starting to see the change the Lord has began. My life is not about me. My life is about Him and them. I will be His hands and feet wherever He sends me. The cool thing about our God is that you know He still hears their cries. He hears them, He sees them, and He loves them so much more than I ever could. It was hard to leave but I know that they are in the Father's hands. It doesn't matter where I go, they will always be with me. They go with me in my heart and my thoughts. I think about them so much and realize that it was in their eyes that I saw love. My heart is broken for the poor and the oppressed and the needy. I will follow you Lord, into the world.
As more time goes on, I'm sure I will find more words to say. But here it is. Raw emotion with raw reflection. I am one person seeking to find my place in this world. Through Memphis, I feel one step closer. I am forever grateful for the kids I got to minister to and the friendships that I have made. That was another neat thing about Street Reach. I was surrounded with the same group of 18 people who were there for the exact thing I was. We were there to serve our Jesus. I am thankful for the ties I have made and cannot wait to see each of them again.
There is a song I challenge each of you to listen to. It's called Keep Changing the World by Mikeschair. It has revolutionized my world. I hope it can do the same for you.
For now, that is my rambling.
I love you guys,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Braided Hair and Farmer's Tans
I'm sitting here in Memphis, TN before I go back to good 'ol Kansas for the wedding of my dear friend, Kayla. I can't believe that I've been here for almost a month. It is flying out the window, and I am loving absolutely every minute of it. I'm learning so much and growing so much. These kids are teaching me things on a daily basis.
I have had my hair braided by small children more times than I can count. I also have the most impeccable farmer's tan I have ever had in my entire life, and let me just tell ya, I'm pretty excited to strut it this weekend. :) I've truly learned the value of family and friends. These kids literally have nothing, and I have everything. It's humbling and totally puts things into perspective.
I've also learned how precious time is with these kids. Today I learned that some of my favorite kids might not be able to come back to club, and it completely broke my heart. We only get so much time to really be able to invest in these kids. It could be a matter of days. It could be a matter of minutes. The important thing is that we show them the love of Christ everyday through our actions. Time really is of the essence out here, and I want to reach these kids before the streets do.
Today in our Urban Discipleship, we discussed with our teams what we view as something beautiful in the city. For me, it's these kids' smiles, because you know it's genuine. When these kids really truly smile, it makes the hot and nasty days all completely worth it. To have a kid run full speed at you screaming, "Miss Emily, Miss Emily!!!" even though they've only known you for a few short weeks means more than I could ever imagine.
I know I was here to impact their lives. But in more ways than one, they're impacting mine.
We're in a spiritual battle for these kids, and I'm not letting go.
I have had my hair braided by small children more times than I can count. I also have the most impeccable farmer's tan I have ever had in my entire life, and let me just tell ya, I'm pretty excited to strut it this weekend. :) I've truly learned the value of family and friends. These kids literally have nothing, and I have everything. It's humbling and totally puts things into perspective.
I've also learned how precious time is with these kids. Today I learned that some of my favorite kids might not be able to come back to club, and it completely broke my heart. We only get so much time to really be able to invest in these kids. It could be a matter of days. It could be a matter of minutes. The important thing is that we show them the love of Christ everyday through our actions. Time really is of the essence out here, and I want to reach these kids before the streets do.
Today in our Urban Discipleship, we discussed with our teams what we view as something beautiful in the city. For me, it's these kids' smiles, because you know it's genuine. When these kids really truly smile, it makes the hot and nasty days all completely worth it. To have a kid run full speed at you screaming, "Miss Emily, Miss Emily!!!" even though they've only known you for a few short weeks means more than I could ever imagine.
I know I was here to impact their lives. But in more ways than one, they're impacting mine.
We're in a spiritual battle for these kids, and I'm not letting go.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Living the dream in Memphis, Tennessee
Hey all!
Soon (when I don't forget my camera in the other building) I'll be uploading some pictures for you to all feast your eyes upon of some of the precious kids I get to work with everyday.
In a word, Street Reach is unbelievable. I wish that each and every one of you could come and be a part of the ministry that I am so privelaged to get to serve with. The staff here is incredible. We work hard, we're extremely busy, and we get gross. But, we're reaching the lives of hurt families all over this community.
It's an amazing feeling to see these kids charge at you when they've known you for only a day. They see the light of Jesus in you. Everyday. I get to show these kids the hope that I have, and let me just tell you, that is incredible.
There's one little boy who has completely touched my heart. His name is Jovannie, and he is precious. He's 4, and today was my last day with him for I have to move to another site last week to start my permanent work for the summer. When we first picked him up, he barely talked. By the end, he spent more time smiling than anything else. To see the work of the Lord in these kids' lives is just unbelievable. They come from situtaions that I can't even imagine. Some of these little girls have been raped since age 5. Age 5. I don't know about the rest of you, but pretty sure I was eating cheerios and playing with Barbies at age 5. It tears your heart to pieces to hear the stories from these kids. I wish that I could pull them all out of there and take them home with me, but I can't. What I can do is be His hands and His feet.
I came to the fast realization that my life is easy. I've always known this, and I've always gotten tired of people who complain about the little things. But these people literally have nothing and have more joy than half of the people I encounter everyday away from here. I challenge us all to just remember how blessed we are. Most of us have grown up with great families. Most of us have grown up never wondering when we were going to be clothed or fed. Most of us dreaded bath time instead of wishing that someone would take the time to remove the filth that covers their bodies. I've hugged on so many kids this week. And I've realized how much I never want to be stagnant in the life I lead. I want fire. I want passion. I seek change. Our generation needs to rise up. It's for Him and for them. We need to stop being selfish and realize there is a hurting world out there right outside our white picket fences. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being blessed. In fact, we should thank the Lord for it everyday. But why can't we be His hands and His feet? Why can't we be the change He longs to see?
We hear it's time to change the world. So how about we get up and do it.
Next time I will have stories and pictures, but for now, please just open your heart to see the world as the Lord sees it. As Brandon Heath says, Lord, just give us your eyes so we can see the hurt in our lost and dying world.
Isaiah 58:12
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
Soon (when I don't forget my camera in the other building) I'll be uploading some pictures for you to all feast your eyes upon of some of the precious kids I get to work with everyday.
In a word, Street Reach is unbelievable. I wish that each and every one of you could come and be a part of the ministry that I am so privelaged to get to serve with. The staff here is incredible. We work hard, we're extremely busy, and we get gross. But, we're reaching the lives of hurt families all over this community.
It's an amazing feeling to see these kids charge at you when they've known you for only a day. They see the light of Jesus in you. Everyday. I get to show these kids the hope that I have, and let me just tell you, that is incredible.
There's one little boy who has completely touched my heart. His name is Jovannie, and he is precious. He's 4, and today was my last day with him for I have to move to another site last week to start my permanent work for the summer. When we first picked him up, he barely talked. By the end, he spent more time smiling than anything else. To see the work of the Lord in these kids' lives is just unbelievable. They come from situtaions that I can't even imagine. Some of these little girls have been raped since age 5. Age 5. I don't know about the rest of you, but pretty sure I was eating cheerios and playing with Barbies at age 5. It tears your heart to pieces to hear the stories from these kids. I wish that I could pull them all out of there and take them home with me, but I can't. What I can do is be His hands and His feet.
I came to the fast realization that my life is easy. I've always known this, and I've always gotten tired of people who complain about the little things. But these people literally have nothing and have more joy than half of the people I encounter everyday away from here. I challenge us all to just remember how blessed we are. Most of us have grown up with great families. Most of us have grown up never wondering when we were going to be clothed or fed. Most of us dreaded bath time instead of wishing that someone would take the time to remove the filth that covers their bodies. I've hugged on so many kids this week. And I've realized how much I never want to be stagnant in the life I lead. I want fire. I want passion. I seek change. Our generation needs to rise up. It's for Him and for them. We need to stop being selfish and realize there is a hurting world out there right outside our white picket fences. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being blessed. In fact, we should thank the Lord for it everyday. But why can't we be His hands and His feet? Why can't we be the change He longs to see?
We hear it's time to change the world. So how about we get up and do it.
Next time I will have stories and pictures, but for now, please just open your heart to see the world as the Lord sees it. As Brandon Heath says, Lord, just give us your eyes so we can see the hurt in our lost and dying world.
Isaiah 58:12
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Off to the Land of Tennessee...
The beginning to my summer has been one full of relaxing and good bonding time with my family. We've seen many family movies, eaten many family meals, and just laughed together as a family. It's been good to just have some time together. As I sit here, there are still boxes in my room needing to be unpacked. My life is thrown together in one large pile in the middle of my room. But knowing that soon I am about to leave again, I can't fully bring myself to unpack them all again. Packing and re-packing are two of the hardest things for me to do. It's not just because it takes time or I find it to be a major hassle. I find it difficult because it usually means that change is coming. I love adventure, I love new people, and I love new places. But, unfortunately, I have always been HORRIBLE with saying goodbye. However, I'm learning that each new box means a new opportunity for God to teach me something incredible. My next lesson takes place in good 'ol Memphis, TN....
I was never sure if this job was going to come. The interview process is one that had been going on for at least a month and a half. Up and down, in and out. I knew that if I didn't get this job, I was going to have no idea what I would do. But, like always, God came through. And let me tell you just how perfect this job is. I get to work with inner-city kids all summer long. Plus, I'll be in the land of Elvis. My grandfather would be extremely proud. :) I know that this summer has so much more in store for me than I can even begin to remotely phathom. I'm being thrown into a whole new part of the country with whole new people and whole new experiences. And let me just tell ya, I am EXCITED!! When you are praying, please just include Street Reach Ministries in your prayers. I know that the team and myself would greatly appreciate it.
In one week, I will be on the road...again. I got back from Springfield a little over a week ago, and here I go again! I don't know how often I'll be on the internet while I'm there, but I will update and talk about all of the amazing stories as much as I can! I have a feeling my ramblings are about to get just a little more passionate. :)
Until the land of country music and good 'ol Elvis Presley,
I was never sure if this job was going to come. The interview process is one that had been going on for at least a month and a half. Up and down, in and out. I knew that if I didn't get this job, I was going to have no idea what I would do. But, like always, God came through. And let me tell you just how perfect this job is. I get to work with inner-city kids all summer long. Plus, I'll be in the land of Elvis. My grandfather would be extremely proud. :) I know that this summer has so much more in store for me than I can even begin to remotely phathom. I'm being thrown into a whole new part of the country with whole new people and whole new experiences. And let me just tell ya, I am EXCITED!! When you are praying, please just include Street Reach Ministries in your prayers. I know that the team and myself would greatly appreciate it.
In one week, I will be on the road...again. I got back from Springfield a little over a week ago, and here I go again! I don't know how often I'll be on the internet while I'm there, but I will update and talk about all of the amazing stories as much as I can! I have a feeling my ramblings are about to get just a little more passionate. :)
Until the land of country music and good 'ol Elvis Presley,

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Part 2 of My Massive Ramble...
I have done it. I have completed my Junior year of college. Where in the world has my college experience gone?? And by I, I definitely mean we. We being me and Jesus. There is no way I would have made it through those papers, tests, and projects without Him.
I could not be more thankful for the friends I have made this year. Pretty sure all-nighters have never been so enjoyable. I've had some pretty amazing late-night talks, homework sessions (or ones where we pretend we are doing homework), coffee dates, random drives, runs to the mall, and so much more. I know God has seriously blessed me with the people in my life.
I do not think I have quite processed all that has happened this year. I've done a lot of thinking back, but I haven't quite understood the full implications of what I learned this year. I guess that's part of the process that I'll always be in...learning.
Thank you Lord for an amazing year. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for next.
Until next time and the update on life here in the land of KS, much love to you all!
I could not be more thankful for the friends I have made this year. Pretty sure all-nighters have never been so enjoyable. I've had some pretty amazing late-night talks, homework sessions (or ones where we pretend we are doing homework), coffee dates, random drives, runs to the mall, and so much more. I know God has seriously blessed me with the people in my life.
I do not think I have quite processed all that has happened this year. I've done a lot of thinking back, but I haven't quite understood the full implications of what I learned this year. I guess that's part of the process that I'll always be in...learning.
Thank you Lord for an amazing year. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for next.
Until next time and the update on life here in the land of KS, much love to you all!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Part 1 of Massive Ramble...
This blog will probably be the most random piece of writing known to mankind. But, since this is the only time I will probably have to update between now and the end of school, here goes nothing...
Evangel life 2009-2010 has most definitely been a very interesting experience. I have loved basically every minute of this year with lots of life lessons that have come along the way. I have learned the beauty of real and sincere friendship, enjoyed late nights with some of the coolest people ever, and just found joy in the simple things.
It's really strange for me to think that most of the people in my life that I am close to right now I have only met this year, and most of them close to half-way through. It's kinda strange, yet unbelievably awesome, how God takes the people we never even had a clue who they were and brings them into our lives for such a time as this.
I can defintely say that I have learned a lot about myself this year and part of this being thanks to the good old world of Crosswalk. Evangel's student ministry board opened up so many new opportunities for me that I never even dreamed were possible. I met some amazing people and got to be a part of God laying down some awesome foundational work for the future. I cannot WAIT to see what next year will bring.
This year has definitely been a year of growth, as is every year. Friends have come, and friends have gone, but Jesus never fails. Jesus never changes. If I've learned anything it is that God has to be the source of all life. I love every last one of my friends, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them. But I know that it is from Him and through Him that I am even privelaged to know these people.
God is a good God. Life is too short to be spent on the sidelines, and I am realizing that more than ever. The Kingdom of God is now, and it's time for our generation to rise and be the people God has called them to be.
I better go to bed for now, but I will have more thoughts in a part 2. This year has taught me a lot, so I guess reflecting is just where I'm naturally to go from here!
Evangel life 2009-2010 has most definitely been a very interesting experience. I have loved basically every minute of this year with lots of life lessons that have come along the way. I have learned the beauty of real and sincere friendship, enjoyed late nights with some of the coolest people ever, and just found joy in the simple things.
It's really strange for me to think that most of the people in my life that I am close to right now I have only met this year, and most of them close to half-way through. It's kinda strange, yet unbelievably awesome, how God takes the people we never even had a clue who they were and brings them into our lives for such a time as this.
I can defintely say that I have learned a lot about myself this year and part of this being thanks to the good old world of Crosswalk. Evangel's student ministry board opened up so many new opportunities for me that I never even dreamed were possible. I met some amazing people and got to be a part of God laying down some awesome foundational work for the future. I cannot WAIT to see what next year will bring.
This year has definitely been a year of growth, as is every year. Friends have come, and friends have gone, but Jesus never fails. Jesus never changes. If I've learned anything it is that God has to be the source of all life. I love every last one of my friends, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them. But I know that it is from Him and through Him that I am even privelaged to know these people.
God is a good God. Life is too short to be spent on the sidelines, and I am realizing that more than ever. The Kingdom of God is now, and it's time for our generation to rise and be the people God has called them to be.
I better go to bed for now, but I will have more thoughts in a part 2. This year has taught me a lot, so I guess reflecting is just where I'm naturally to go from here!
Friday, April 30, 2010
I Gave In...
Due to the fact that two of my dearest friends in the whole world are in possession of one of these great little writing tools known as blogs, I figured I would jump on the bandwagon as well. I'm hoping this blog can be a place where I just write the randomness that is my thoughts, concerns, hopes, and dreams for the summer, the future, and just life in general...
I can't believe that Junior year of college is already over...where in the WORLD did it go??? Out the window. That's where. I'm sure after I get done with finals I will reflect for that is what I love to do best. But for now, dear world of blogging technology, I must continue this labor of love known as school work. I will work on making you more exciting when I actually have the technical time to do so.
Be ready for the ramble that is about to ensue. :)
I can't believe that Junior year of college is already over...where in the WORLD did it go??? Out the window. That's where. I'm sure after I get done with finals I will reflect for that is what I love to do best. But for now, dear world of blogging technology, I must continue this labor of love known as school work. I will work on making you more exciting when I actually have the technical time to do so.
Be ready for the ramble that is about to ensue. :)
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