Tuesday, February 19, 2013


It has been one jam-packed month that has consisted of the following: study time, gym, more study time, work, friends, family, church, youth functions, sleep, more study time, more gym time, etc...you get the gist.

I'm two weeks out from taking this oh so exciting GRE, and with 20 hours of study time already under my belt, I'm starting to feel a little more prepared. If you would've told me two years ago that I would be dedicating every spare moment (let alone well over 20 hours) to studying for a grad school entrance exam, I would've laughed in your face. Hard. Oh the irony of how God works.

God knows that I'm a words of affirmation person. (Let's just be honest, I think I have all five love languages all the time.) Of course He knows, He is the one who created me. In creating me this way, God has also seen fit to surround me with lots of encouraging friends, especially as I've decided to continue my journey into education. I can't even begin to count the amount of times I've heard statements like, "You're going to rock this test," or "You're extremely smart. Of course you're going to blow this thing out of the water." Every time I hear this, I can almost picture myself having a Rocky Balboa moment. I can now enter the GRE boxing ring of life and happily give it a nice little KO. (I sure hope I got that boxing analogy right. If not, hopefully you get the point.)

However, even though the words surrounding me (and oh so wonderful gifts like Starbucks gift cards) are phenomenal encouragements, the greatest motivational tool I have in all this is the good 'ol Bible. Ever since I was a little kid, Philippians 4:13 has been something I could recite like my ABCs: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." What a simple yet incredibly profound statement, especially in this particular season of life.

In leading worship for the kids, God has prompted me on several occasions to remind them that our great God can help overcome any obstacle, mountain, or hurdle. It's something I've often had to remind myself of and something I hope sticks with them as they journey on through middle school, high school, college, and the adult world. My current mountain isn't life-threatening or dangerous, but it definitely has the element of uncertainty.

My current mountain is this test. I hate tests. With every fiber of my ever-loving being. I haven't thought about quadratic formulas or Pythagorean theorems for well over six years. However, I know that God has called me to this. He wants me in grad school. He wants me to pursue a Master's of Arts in Human Services Counseling, and I know He will give me the strength I need to pass this particular test with all the flying colors I will need.

So I encourage you. Your mountain may look really scary. Your hurdle may seem insurmountable. But God can and will give you the strength you need to overcome. Tests come in many different forms and are often much more daunting than this one currently facing me. However, I fully believe that God continually gives us the tools and encouragement we need to pass whatever tests come our way with flying colors.

God's always for you. Who can be against?

Thanks for letting me ramble.

Until after the GRE,