Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Falling into Change

Now that I am no longer a student, fall has become one of my favorite times of year. I love watching the leaves change colors, and the humidity drops significantly making Emily's curly mop of hair very happy. With the start of fall, I also know that my beloved Christmas is fast-approaching. I could literally listen to Christmas music all year, but I fear for my life seeing as my family doesn't really enjoy my obsession with the yule-tide carols. However, I am getting ahead of myself. It's still only October.

The different seasons have always triggered a sense of change. As it gets colder, we don scarves, boots, and hats to keep our little bodies nice and warm. For those of you who know me well, my favorite apparel in the fall and winter months is a sweatshirt with some oh so trendy sweat pants. I know, I know, I'm a trend-setter extraordinaire. For many people, change can be rather intimidating and scary. Being the crazy dare-devil that I am, change has always excited me.

As I look around my immediate world, I see change all around me. In the past several months, I've had friends move, friends get married, friends get pregnant, have babies, etc. You get the picture. Change is everywhere. The one change that I get asked about the most is when I'm going to change my last name. I, of course, just smile and grin assuring the concerned parties that when the Lord is ready to bring Mr. Right into my life, I am ready. However, until that time, my 23-year-old (and not 203) self will enjoy the wonderful season known as being single. The one change I have been dying for more than anything is a change of scenery.

I have been back in Wichita for well over a year, and let me just tell you, it has been a wonderful time. I have made so many new friends and gotten reacquainted with so many old. I know that God placed me here for a very specific time and purpose. Looking back, I've loved every minute of it. However, the fast-paced girl within me is ready for a change.

As I've pondered what change really means, I am brought back to the book I am reading right now for my Bible study: Lioness Arising. Being the future-oriented person I am, I have always struggled with living in my present (I have discussed this before in previous postings), because I am ready for the exciting changes that I know will come in the next several years. However, God has given me a new challenge for the here and now: be the change you wish to be in the world around you and in what you see. In Lioness Arising, Lisa Bevere talks about being on the hunt for the lost and hurting in our immediate and darkened world. The more I've allowed God to open my eyes, the more I see how much hurt I am surrounded by living in mid-western Wichita, Kansas. In a much more eloquent way than I am about to write, Lisa talks about looking not only to heaven but looking around at our immediate world. She talks about ways we can help restore what has been demolished while looking ahead to the glorious hope we are promised in living Christian lives. In doing this, we also need to instill the truth of who God is and what He says.

And it hits me. Emily, change is waiting all around you. It's time for you take part.

I get the privilege (yes, privilege) of working with teenagers on a very regular basis. In working with them, God has given me a platform to begin doing work in women's ministries. Do I really see these girls who walk in the door of our youth room? Do I really try to be actively involved in the change God wants to bring in their lives? Are my eyes opened to the present calling God has given me?

In the past few months, I can happily say the answer to all those questions is a resounding yes. I am excited to be a part of the change God wishes to see happen in my here and now.

So, what is my point?

No matter what exciting things are in the future, be the change that the world around you so desperately needs right now. Open your eyes to the opportunities God is placing and has placed all around you. Be the change you wish to be in the world around you and in what you see.

I've also successfully completed all seven seasons of Boy Meets World in the past two-and-a-half weeks, so in the words of my beloved Mr. Feeny, "Do good."

Thanks for letting me ramble.

Love you guys.

In Him,