This trip was definitely relational.
You think I would get used to God surprising me but He always catches me off-guard.
I went on this trip with 5 other wonderful students and one amazing faculty sponsor not really knowing what to expect. Boy did God rock my world.
While in Romania, our team was able to combine with another team from Valley Forge to do ministry. I will admit that I was quite skeptical but was happily surprised by how well we worked together. We did kids programs at many villages, handicap hospitals, and churches. We did ministry with women as well through testimony, song, and interaction.
Can we talk about how excited I was that I got to do both women AND kid's ministry...two of the things I want to do for the rest of my life?? I was stinking excited.
The first night we were there, God allowed me to be put outside of my comfort zone.
I got to sing.
One of the members of my team, Lexi, suggested that I sing Mighty to Save as I was frantically trying to figure out what would be good. We were in a tiny Romanian apartment with about 5 women and here I was getting ready to sing. My nerves were definitely very present. However, as I began, I closed my eyes and let God envelop me. I was worshiping. It was just me and the big man upstairs.
And let me tell you, it was awesome. God used me...little old minister to these ladies. My voice is not mine to brag about because God totally gave me the talent. It's His to use, and my biggest dream of using it to bring glory and honor to His name came true.
Wow. Humbled yet again.
The children were precious. Even though I could only say hi in their language, a smile carries a thousand words. We would play thumb wars and hug. While the frustration of not being able to speak their language was definitely present, God works through any and all barriers. I got to be a crazy, wacky scientist named Dr. Lupa and bring smile and laughter to their lives. A child's laugh is irreplaceable.
Not only was I able to minister, but I was ministered to. God brought two very unexpected individuals into my life during this trip: Steph and Roxana.
Steph is a senior at Valley Forge. Much like myself, she has no idea where May will bring her. But her life is a testimony to the greatness of God. She has been diagnosed with Lupus and Crohne's Disease but you would never know it. The girl radiates joy and beauty. She encourages me by just how much she brings God glory through her life. Her friendship has blessed me immensely and words cannot even describe how thankful I am to have met her. I cannot wait until I get to see her again.
Then there is Roxana. She is Romanian and the husband of one of the men we worked with all week. She is absolutely beautiful. By the end of the week, she had told me that I was her sister from another mother. Thank the Lord she could speak English. Her sense of humor always kept me smiling. I loved every minute of being around her and pray with all of my heart that the Lord allows our paths to cross again. I feel like this is only the start of our friendship and being thousands of miles away will not keep God from doing what He wants. I would love to learn more of her heart. She definitely blessed my life.
Not to mention, we had an absolutely amazing faculty sponsor. Annie Bailey is an RD here on campus and an amazing individual. She's like the big sister I never had. I am so thankful I have the next two months to learn from her while I am still in Springfield. She is an amazing woman of God, and I am so thankful that I have gotten to know her. I kinda wonder where she was for the past two years of my college career, but God's timing is always divine.
I am currently praying about returning in August with Sarah Taylor (who is also quite the wonderful person.) I love Romania.
The mountains were beautiful. As we made our drive, I couldn't help but marvel at the creativity of God. They were so majestic and beautiful and only gave a hint of the beauty of our God. Looking at those mountains made me remember the strength of our God. It's amazing what you can miss when you are not looking.
Then there's the ocean. As we were at the Black Sea, I could not help but marvel at the vastness. As I stood at a look out point, I felt the peace of God encapsulate my heart. The waves crashed against the rocks in front of me, and I again felt compelled to sing. It was the closest feeling I have had to my actual dream, and it was perfect. In that moment, it was me and God. Nothing and no one else.
My mind still races with thoughts. This trip was nothing short of amazing. God is incredible, and I am so thankful that I go the chance to go. Thank you to everyone who prayed and supported me. God definitely worked in amazing ways.
I hope I can go back. I loved the kids, I loved the people, and I loved what I learned.
I cannot wait to see what else God teaches me as I continue to process one of the most amazing weeks of my life.
Until next time, I will leave you with this picture of the beauty of the mountains.
Never forget to see the beauty in God's creation. He's pretty mighty, and it's amazing how He will use you if you just take the time to stop and listen.
Love you guys.
In Him,